To: Godzilla; HipShot
Great post on the seismic analysis. Thanks to you, I just had a scary flashback to my early college days when I was a geology major, before changing to something more conducive to a high GPA. The analysis of the "S" and "P" waves makes a lot of sense, and the timing with the Vancouver quake is pretty close to perfect. Whether you're right or wrong, I would have thought that for $99, the people who published the article about the alleged nuke would have checked with a geologist before citing the seismic activity as evidence of an underwater explosion.
To: Labyrinthos
And ruin a perfectly good story with facts?!?!?
788 posted on
07/26/2004 12:25:48 PM PDT by
null and void
(Nurieek, rotut, hernunger...)
To: Labyrinthos
I would have thought that for $99, the people who published the article about the alleged nuke would have checked with a geologist before citing the seismic activity as evidence of an underwater explosion. I think I remember that on the discussion thread that was linked they said that they were going to have a geo look at it. They probably should have had it reviewed BEFORE posting it to the world. Challenges the credibility of the nuke theory IMHO.
793 posted on
07/26/2004 12:28:31 PM PDT by
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