Why is it, that this incident was not reported at the time; or at least immeidately prior to FBI doing it's 'file search' at Berger home.
Nothing else merits sacred secrecy from media. . .why this?
If Kerry did NOT know about Berger's theft and the investigation, then Berger lied to him about it and must be immediately jettisoned as a campaign advisor. And it doesn't say much for the Kerry campaign's due diligence if they did not know about it.
If Kerry DID know about it then he has participated in a coverup of massive proportions.
And if Kerry or anyone on his campaign actually SAW any of the documents Berger took, then they may be guilty of a federal crime.
None of this looks good for Kerry, any way you slice it. Of course the timing of the revelation is curious; but that does not make it any less serious!
Joe Wilson's blog against Bush is funded by Kerry for President, as is noted at the bottom of the web page.