Okay, hmmmm. That's my point. A lot of security measures must remain secret from us or else whoever's trying to get here by hook or by crook finds out and circumvents the barrier. So part of GW's problem is that security measures don't get publicity unless the govt. decides for some reason to let us in on what's going on. Meanwhile we have Fox and company screaming and yelling about their rights to come here when and if they please, and we should support them cradle to grave, and smile while US sovereignty is violated each and every day.
And here's another deep seated fear, guys. Right after the cold war ended, the big boys, banks, movers and shakers, CFR, David Rockefeller, et al, met somewhere nice and warm for a big conference to decide how to reshape the world in the most positive way possible for business, for this country, for everyone whose lives they were busy meddling with. No tinfoil hat alert. This really happened, and what we got next was NAFTA. Then globalization, talk of the third way, remember that? Clinton(when he was relevant), and Blair were pushing that at one of those G-7 meetings in Europe. You know what happened after that. Jobs by the hundreds of thousands went to Mexico, then India, Thailand, etc.. Management and computer software people didn't much care about blue collar, union jobs, but oh the screams when they got hit. Then it became a problem and we had Ph.D.'s taking orders at McDonald's.
Okay, Europe was already deciding to form the European Union, and we had talk of a trade free zone in this hemisphere, from Canada's northernmost border to that Cape of whateveritis down at the southernmost tip of South America. Free trade is just a few steps away from no borders, my friends. That's where they were heading. One world, everyone a citizen of the world. No more war, everyone productive, sane, happy, peaceloving. Only nobody remembered Islamofascists and bin Laden and his pals who were already blowing up whatever took their fancy.
As for this hemisphere, a few years ago an enterprising reporter interviewed some unhappy Costa Ricans, who announced they were going to walk north to the US and not stop until they got there-- several thousand Costa Ricans. Once they arrived in the US, they weren't leaving. They'd had it with hurricanes and poverty and corruption. So several thousand of them did exactly that, and now they're here along with God knows how many more millions of hapless Mexicans, Brazilians, etc..
I'm one small person in MA, and every day I see Brazilians and Mexicans and other Central and South American faces newly arrived and barely able to get along in English. They're taking orders at Wendy's, cleaning houses, acting as nannies, lawn care workers, they're working in factories, they start up minimarts. They're working and paying taxes. And boy, they're all driving new cars, shiny SUV's. I guess this is the small business loan thingy. These are the ones with green cards. Unless forged. The ones I see look as if they want to assimilate and become Americans.
In fact, that's the point. The entire world wants to be America, whether they acknowledge this or not. Even crackpot Muslims want what we have, they just don't like us and the way we think and live. They think if they can take over and reshape the place into an Islamofascist paradise, everything will be fine. When Muslims start blowing up Europe on a weekly basis, plus outbreeding local Christians, how long before even the French and Germans head over here? Australia's an option, too, but they're probably tougher on immigration. Asians have already streamed west, for Canada, for the US. Remember Hong Kong? We have wave after wave of oppressed or wretched people coming here, some legally, most not. How can we possibly accept them all? Especially when mixed in are God knows how many homicidal maniacs owing allegiance to Allah.
Well, forget the terrorism angle, what I was complaining about was the loss of our sovereignty, our right to maintain our borders, to protect US citizens. They, the big boys, thought up this Utopian scheme where you could do away with borders in this hemisphere because good jobs and a decent life would be available everywhere. Nice if you can get it, but life isn't that simple.
I agree with much of what you have said in your posts. However, I disagree with when this all started.
If you will read Barry Goldwater's acceptance speech at the 1964 Republican convention, you will note he outlined exactly what has and is happening in the world today. He just used different terminology. He was supposedly extreme right wing. However, he died known as a liberal. The speech is confusing in a way.
Go to google and type in Barry Goldwater speech.