Spoken like the quintessential relativist.
Before registering to post here, and in order to gain credibility for your opinions among those capable of critical thought, those who suffer from cognitive dissonance should go into therapy to see how stupid it is for them to hold polar opposite beliefs simultaneously.
For instance:
Do you believe that it is *the truth* that your rights are unalienable (given to you by God and not men)?
Are you SURE that that is *the truth*?
If so, do you realize that THAT IS A *CONVICTION* about a *truth*.
Please explain how being convicted by that truth is *at the same time* (simultaneously) a more dangerous enemy to that truth than a lie.
What is a confused dude like you doing on a forum which is dedicated to upholding the Constitution of the United States, when that Constitution was only put into place by its Framers to protect, what their convictions told them, are our unalienable rights?
If it ISN'T an ABSOLUTE TRUTH that our rights are given to us by God, and therefore, by definition, CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY FROM US BY MERE MEN --- then there is no purpose to having that Constitution in place. It is a meaningless document unless its purpose is to protect an absolute truth.
ROTFLMAO.............Sorry but I read your profile page.