Red Baron was considered a mighty fine flight sim in it's day. I had Aces of the Pacific and Aces Over Europe from the same company (Sierra) and they were excellent games.
Of course, the machine I played them on was:
386sx 20 mghz
2 mgs of RAM (that's right, 2)
40 mg HD
no CD
I'm not sure about the video card, but I remember I had to buy a new one to upgrade to 1 mg so I could play a game that required SVGA.
I wonder how I can justify a motherboard/RAM/CPU upgrade to my wife. I can't tell her I have to upgrade so I can play a game, for cryin' out loud.
I bet it was Trident :)
Red Baron is the only flight sim I ever really liked. The planes are slow enough for me to handle. I have the Aces series on CD so I may try them again some time.*
* I just bought a KVM switch and am reworking my old Pentium 233MMX into a multiple boot DOS and Win 95 box to run my old games.
Unplug your UPS during the next thunderstorm, and voila - instant justification!