Thanks. I appreciate it.
This is important because there are polygamist activists citing the Massachusetts ruling on gay marriage and Lawrence vs. Texas to argue for overturning polygamy laws.
2004-01-13 Pro-Polygamists ponder 'Legalization' case News PRESS RELEASE
Old Orchard Beach, Maine --- Even though pro-polygamists usually argue for "de-criminalization" of anti-polygamy laws, one state attorney has taken the initiative to file a lawsuit to get polygamy "legalized" in Utah. The particular case involves no crime --- only a married man being denied a marriage license to legally marry a second wife.
The lawsuit asserts that, by denying the marriage license, the clerks violated the claimants' First Amendment right to practice their religion. According to the suit, "The sincere and deeply held religious major tenet of the beliefs of J. Bronson, D. Cook and G. Lee Cook are that the doctrine of plural marriage, i.e., a man having more than one wife, is ordained of God and is to be encouraged and practiced."
Mark Henkel, national polygamy advocate and founder of the Christian polygamy --- non-Mormon --- organization, ( ), was not surprised by the news. "We had known that some individual Utah Mormon polygamists were preparing to advance this 'legalization' route in the courts."
He notes that Lawrence v. Texas and Romer v. Evans specifically guarantee "de-criminalization" of polygamy, overturning all anti-polygamy laws for consenting adults. Henkel said, "The Utah attorney definitely has a big job ahead of him to pursue the 'legalization' route, though --- especially when combining that with the 'freedom of religion' argument."
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