To: backhoe; Interesting Times
"One veteran who served alongside Kerry in another swift boat said the story of his rescue of Rassman was exaggerated.
"I have an eyewitness, firsthand account of what happened," said Larry Thurlow, who commanded a swift boat. "And the story he now tells is so drastically far from what actually happened, if I didn't know he was recounting this particular day, I wouldn't even recognize the story."
It was on that day that Kerry sustained an injury to his arm that resulted in a Purple Heart medal. Thurlow said Kerry didn't deserve that medal based on his recollection of events that day. Thurlow said the rescue wasn't nearly as dangerous as Kerry has described."
I can't wait for this eye witness to come forth and tell us what really happened.
To: Just mythoughts
I was worried at the time that the media would drop the Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth story.... now I'm hoping that these veterans are just "holding their fire" for the convention. I hope there is a big onslaught planned by this group, by the GOP, etc.
To: Just mythoughts
Dear correspondents of the internet through the Miss Maple reply on your website:
comment to self inflicted wounds.......many slow and weak minded people thought of all sorts of ways to get out of the decisive actions that good christian men and women must face when evil rants its ugly head.
As a mechanic on an aircraft carrier during that time off Vietnam I heard of people jumping overboard and getting adicted to harmful substances.
Wether your a leutenant like John Kerry or a seaman or airman, those that practiced to take the wide easy road to life sought out what ever they could beg, borrow, and steal, and buy to get that position of dominance and not in contention with the hostle issues of life or death, good or evil.
Many rich people or well to do and connected used there connections and money to fly in to the safe areas, stay a minimum of time, just to prove they were there and collect the war zone tax free benefits and metals that go along with the war.
I pray that Mr. John Kerry takes account for his life and opens up to the public or runs for the shadows that all those that don't face the truth go.
May God Bless America to learn forgiveness so the Great Almighty and Creator of the Universe will bless our land.
Yours In Christ,
Roger H. Frost
10 Hulbert Road, Worcester, MA 01603
105 posted on
08/13/2004 10:41:55 AM PDT by
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