Califonicators have decided that a lesbian is a father. facsinating.
Can we kick them out of the union? I mean like a divorce!
Califonicators have decided that a lesbian is a father. facsinating.
Can we kick them out of the union? I mean like a divorce!"
I don't think so--not after decades of brainwashing of the American public (and all countries of formerly western culture). According to the doctrine of romanticism, lesbians are women, therefore, they inherently possess a higher level of morality than men. Besides, lesbians are those extremely sexually attractive chicks who beat up bad guys--the leather-clad women we see so often in the movies, now, right? ...not the hawgs we see in real life in those marches. Why make them angry when a man might get a know--amazonian warrior-ess trim? ...heavy bitter irony and sarcasm here on my part. Is anyone who is reading this even beginning to see how they've been duped, yet?
Compare the way Bill O'Reilly treated Dr. Stephen Baskerville (who wrote what is behind the following URL address and was treated with extreme hostility by Bill on Bill's part of Rupert Murdoch's serial polygamy advocacy news show) to the way he warmed up to Rosie O'Donnell on his show. Bill went off against Stephen to shut him up. When Rosie was on his show, he sucked up to her.
Could your kids be given to 'gay' parents?
And Bill's attitude is only one example of the same attitude shown by hundreds or even thousands of public commentators over the past couple of decades.
With societal effeminacy and romanticism, we reap what we sow.