"Greater love than this hath no man than that he lay down his life for his friend. Here were 19-year-old boys ready to lay down their lives to stop a mob from molesting old people they did not even know. And as they took back the streets of LA, block by block, so we must take back our cities, and take back our culture, and take back our country. " --- Buchanan speech, 92
Was it this passage that made you gag? Hillary didn't like it either. Real conservatives loved it.
Here's another one that fits you to a T:
To: u-89
Rockwell, and his band of self-professed true patriots, are a gaggle of silly long winded arrogant know-nothings. The problem with this tiny cirle-jerk, is that THEY believe THEY have the TRUE compass, and wish to DEFINE all and everything under the sun by their divine revelations.....Conservative can come in more than one shade, and 99.9% of conservatives are NOT going to let these goofy dipsticks define them...and they will not allow them to create a Hilter BROWNSHIRT "Committe To Determine Who Is Really Conservative".