We could stop a lot of this crap by rolling over Fallujah. Shoulda done it in May. We'd almost certainly have bagged Zarqawi, and decapitated his org.
The casualty rate is perhaps 2% of what we were experiencing in Viet Nam, but the journopolemicists are playing it up, milking every casualty report. You'd think we were being driven out of the country in disorder, like the Chosin Reservoir action.
They also keep chanting, "draft, draft, draft!" They can't wait to get the draft going so they can cover draft "protests" mounted by Marxist agitprop pukes.
I think many conservatives, I among them, find it hard to abide the loss of several of our fine and brave servicemen every day, especially in this post-Saddam, post-coalition-rule era. And the apparent lack of appreciation (or understanding)by many Iraqis for ongoing US blood and money sacrifices is especially galling to many of the president's supporters when our forces are further hamstrung from taking the fight to the terrorists while remaining among their primary targets.All of the foregoing notwithstanding, a choice other than Bush is unthinkable.