They need to start talking with force behind their words - not empty statements like "I want to know the truth" - He already knows the truth!!
Saddam was a mad-man that ignored 17 UN resolutions - A man intent on supporting terrorism - a man intent on developing (or finding new ways) to develop WMD or WMD programs - Period!! -
The world is safer without him - period - the Middle-East will change for the better now that Saddam is gone...and freedom has a chance to take hold in Iraq - that self-worth will come to the people of Iraq....and with this self-worth they will reject the idea of terrorism....and this attitude will spread throughout the Middle East in time -
This is what GWB needs to start saying...and saying loud and clear!!
I've seen this administration bringing out these points but they just seem to drop it after mentioning it or allow the evil side to scoot around the real issues. This administration needs to get tough and demand the truth and demand the evil side tell them what they would do different. Tell them where and when most of the intelligence came from (Clinton Admin.)
I get a chuckle every time I hear mention of UN resolutions being ignored as one of the causes or justifications for war with Iraq. Reason being, it is mostly spouted by the same crowd that in the second breath derides the no good inept UN that is nothing more than a watering hole for tin pot dictators that hate the US and that we should get out of the UN and the UN should get out of the US.
So much hypocrisy in the selective love/hate affair with the UN.