Well, I did no such thing. If you are an NEA member you should stand up for your beliefs and quit.
You have as much chance of influencing the NEA as I do of changing the policy of the VPC.
I did not infer that YOU were the problem ..Also you can't quit . Look up what closed shop means . On top of that, if you don't have the union representation you are a sitting duck for stupid administrators who salivate at the chance to cut the ranks of teachers that have my core values .
Obviously, Flyer, you do not understand how employment in school districts works. Many schools are closed shops and you have no choice but to join the union - or not teach. When you just spent $40,000 in college tuition in training to be a teacher , that is an impossible choice.
So you say "quit" - if a teacher with more than a year or two of experience quits they will not be hired by a different district because they are too expensive. Because of the union rules, we cannot negotiate to take a smaller salary just to get hired. We carry our longivity pay with us. This is the rule that keeps many military spouses from teaching.
Since administrators jump on conservative teachers like a chickens on bugs, conservative teachers are very quiet.
BUT - we can donate time and money privately and that is where teachers need to get active. We can volunteer at phone banks to help get the word out about President Bush. We can work out of our homes anominously. Just contact your local Bush headquarters and explain your situation!!!!
Get creative out there teachers!!!! We must stand up to the NEA and AFT and the Kerry Campaign!!!!