If 22% of the patients died of infections, I guess we would reform our hospitals. When a system is bad, fix it. We have not reformed English spelling to match pronunciation for a thousand years. Whereas during that time we have changed medicine considerably, and live a lot longer as a result. Or do you prefer leaches and bloodletting?
Bad analogy. The system is bad for dyslexics, not for the rest of us. You want to return to bloodletting and leaches in order to accommodate the few that it will help, rahther than to improve the system for the majority that it won't. Your reasoning is so lgoically flawed that pointing out the obvious accomplishes nothing. Of course, your entire starting proposition already demonstrated this, so I don't know why I even bothered.
Actually, I'm not that interested. I'm not concerned either. The ebonics lobby is probably bigger than the dyslexic lobby. The rest of us will watch you battle over the best way to butcher the language in your effort to reduce us to a Tower of Babble.