Some DNC plant -- I've never voted anything but Republican in 40 years of voting. I was posting on freerepublic against Clinton back before any of you were saying that people who didn't favor invading Iraq were traitors. (Because NOBODY was saying we needed to invade Iraq). The difference between me and you is, like Buckley, I recognize that 9-11 didn't make the invasion of Iraq a necessity, because Iraq wasn't behind 9-11. Unlike you, I still want us to capture Osama -- that's where our focuse should have stayed. REMEMBER OSAMA? Or do only "traitors" want Al Quaida destroyed and Osama captured?
Did you miss this one?
one of the reasons we have to fight this war on so many fronts is because we allowed this terrorism to grow and spread to so many parts of the world for far too long.
I guess you and michael moore are really angry that saddam can't provide $25,000 to every homicide bombers family for killing innocent Israeli's anymore.
JMO, it must really suck to be you.
Iraq wasn't behind 9/11? Hah. YOu haven't heard the new president of Iraq say he thinks he was? You haven't heard the documents that have been found that show he probably was? You didn't know this was a war on terrorism and Iraq supported Al Qaeda for years?
Even the Clinton adminsitration got an indictment in federal court against OBL which cited SPECIFICALLY OBL's connections to Iraq. Back in 1998.
Not supporting the war is one thing. But repeatedly lying is another and you have been spouting DNC lies for months now.
Peach, I'm ashamed of you! I didn't realize you felt that way. Good thing churchillbluff pointed this out. And before you even TRY to refute it, we all know churchillbluff would never lie. If he says you don't want us to capture Osama, that's the gospel truth.