"Genetics" isn't the only way one can be "born that way." It can be a personality trait -- a predisposition to be attracted to persons of the same sex.
If you've got more than one kid, you already know about how many personality traits are things we're born with. Many kids' personality traits are evident from the get-go. (For my daughter, her temper was even evident in utero)... ;-)
I have known enough kids who grew up to be homosexual, and known enough people with homosexual siblings, to understand that in some cases there really was an element of "always been that way." It's too bad -- it's a disorder -- but I believe they really were "born that way."
The author of this piece is trying to get us to buy off on a purely environmental model, which is not believable. In fact, it would appear to be furthering his political agenda -- which he most assuredly has.
That doesn't mean somebody is born with homosexual tendencies and it doen't mean there are any ties between genetics and homosexuality (behavior). I often quote the following excerpt from the above article:
The author of this piece is trying to get us to buy off on a purely environmental model, which is not believable.What are these traits? If we could identify them precisely, many of them would turn out to be gifts rather than "problems," for example a "sensitive" disposition, a strong creative drive, a keen aesthetic sense. Some of these, such as greater sensitivity, could be related to - or even the same as - physiological traits that also cause trouble, such as a greater-than-average anxiety response to any given stimulus.
No one knows with certainty just what these heritable characteristics are; at present we only have hints. Were we free to study homosexuality properly (uninfluenced by political agendas) we would certainly soon clarify these factors - just as we are doing in less contentious areas. In any case, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the behavior "homosexuality" is itself directly inherited.
Homosexuality, the behavior, and what science tells us, is just that. The behavior itself is learned and not genetic. As stated above, some may be born with certain traits that in a politically correct culture, others will improperly encourage homosexuality (behavior). The author is stating what science supports.
That is, homosexuality (behavior) stems from purely environmental factors. I keep saying behavior for a reason. Some are more susceptible to that behavior, yes, but those traits, as the article says, are better described as gifts, just as those without these gifts have gifts of their own. You seem to want to believe that some gifts imply homosexual behavior when they do not.
Because homosexuality (behavior) is environmental or learned then we would expect it possible for homosexuals to leave (or escape) the lifestyle. And that's just what we see, and we're seeing more and more of it.