I'd go right now if they would let me. Cranky Old PO'd Men are a formidable force and we are being discriminted against by the Military. I'll take my own side arms and sniper rifle and ammo. I do need a small automatic rifle for close in fire fighting.
You may get a chance to take them out here very soon. They are here and planning to hit us again.
They should beware though that WE in the US will not go down easily. Not easy targets like those in Saudi where they apparently are not protected and don't carry firearms.
Get them to cut out that running and I'm with you. I can still hit most anything I can get into range, and the weight loss would do me good.
You know, sometimes I regret getting out of the military (ex-gun bunny). I got out in 1989 right before all the sh*t was going to happen. It's amazing how much training we did in the Mohave getting prepared for the Middle East.