I quit 13 years ago. I'll match my totally clean heart scan against yours. :) Actually, my dad died far too young from a heart attack as did his dad. I have been determined that I will break that trend. It is right for me, and I will not lecture to others. It would be nice, however, if we could be more humane to animals. God's creatures deserve that.
I didn't intend to be preachy either, thus the smiley. Because I bike a lot, I'll see your heart scan. (Insert another smiley here) Humane to animals is a good thing. I don't hunt, but I am a carnivore.
If the DU'ers see your a vegetarian....they will forgive you.
I was a vegetarian for 10 years. In January of 2000, I had an enormous craving for chicken & stopped at Trader Joes on my way to work....bought a chicken breast & devoured it while driving. I have been eating meat ever since & speaking out for those who cannot...the vegetables. I feel their pain.
Vegetable Rights & Peace, Man.
I'm coming up on 14 or 15 years as a vegetarian myself; it's right for me but I will not preach to others either (much!). My hubby eats vegetarian at home, only because I do all the cooking, and he has no complaints.
Doug: You DA MAN!
Vegatables have feelings too.