You put your finger on the point. As your coworker gives you a compliment, while your husband bitched about you burning the food; now the picture in your head becomes the young coworker is good, and the husband is bad! The young coworker is simply interested in one night stand, and you give it to him, and you will be dropped soon.
Women fail to understand that these compliments are essentially an invitation for sex. The Oprah, and the rest of the feminist media idea of I MUST BE WORSHIPED, is grossly exaggerated. Did you notice this commercial about this handsome looking guy, who rented the whole theater on their wedding anniversary, and proudly takes his wife to see their wedding movies, AND, also give her a 1000 caret diamond ring! What a crock! Stupid women who think that their bolding husband never rented a movie theater for them, or even remember their wedding anniversary at all, will be real miserable.
The commercial about the ring (the diamond commercials) always creeped me out b/c they had that "stalker movie" music in the background! I always figured after he gave her the ring, he was going to pull a knife or something!