Last I checked, Titan was Saturn's largest moon, followed by Rhea, Iapetus, Dione, and several others whose names I can't recall. Phoebe is one of the smallest Saturn moons that have been named (over a dozen have been identified since 2000 but not named).
Phoebe is a moon and it orbits Saturn, so I suppose they got more facts correct than usual.
I was thinking the same thing. Nice of news outlets to get facts straight before printing.
And obviously a dorky teenage moon as far as moon's go.
I think it Mark Twain who said that a reporter can do research and investigate, or simply repeat what was told to him -- but both approaches pay the same.
Yeah, I thought the headline meant that they'd gotten photos of Titan's surface.
This reporter probably has as much interest (and knowledge) in space issues as I do in Crochet.
"Photos of Saturn's largest moon show badly pitted surface"
It's Bush's fault!! ;)
What do you expect from an Austin paper - after all, they are only 'reporters' who barely know any American history or geography and are attempting to sound a bit educated.
Maybe if they took some night courses at TAMU they could learn something useful?
Phoebe is the largest OUTER moon.
Officials at NASA are considering a plan to remedy the condition by crashing a gigantic tube of Clearasil onto the moon's surface.
The problem is that the idiot reporters can't even copy simply facts from NASA correctly. The NASA statement describes Phoebe as the largest "outer" moon of Saturn. The dult reporter said, duh I don't know what that means so instead of researching it I'll just drop the word outer and look smart duh. If you are looking for scientific accuracy from places other than the source or a publication that does not at least have a focus in that area, then you are asking to get incorrect information.
Of course I didn't RTFA, but I'd send an email to the reporter and to the editor and give them an education. Make sure you talk down to them and inform them that you learned this in 3rd grade. Maybe that will kickstart what little spark of self respect they have.