You are never cured of opiate addiction. He went into rehab less than a year ago. Reovery is an ongoing process. If you listen as much as you say you do, then you'll remember that he said that a few times over the years he has struggled with the addiction, even going to quickie-detox programs. What I'm saying is that living with an addict is not easy. He probably promised to stop many times and then returned to using. It's an issue of trust and everyone has their limits. Sounds like Marta reached hers.
Yes, opiate addiction is never cured because opiates alter the serotonin level in the brain. It takes many years to balance. My mother had to take pills that would make you an addict with the first one. That's what is out there. Addictive personality or not, you want the next one. I took 1/2 of one for leg pain after climbing around all day and I was completely stoned. I did not drive. I drank a lot of water. When my mother went to the hospital for intestinal blockage, I told the surgeon to get her off of the drugs. It worked. She has less pain than when she was on drugs, and also takes Vioxx.
OH Please. If Nancy Reagan at her age can care for her husband for 10 years while he's essentially a vegetable, I'm certain good ol' Marta can handle Rush.
But then again, you almost always gleefully cheer for the divorcing wife about to CASH IN I've noticed.
I said on another post that I'm absolutely in awe of Nancy Reagan and what she did for her husband. She is the standard bearer for good wives everywhere.
Poor ol' Rush had years of extreme spinal pain, got addicted to pain killers because of it, lost his hearing, is constantly attacked by the media and the Left, got fired from ESPN unfairly, is being investigated by an wacko liberal DA, and what does his faithfil wife do?
"Divorce the jerk! Take that money and run, girlfrin!"
When all is said and done, a 34 year old single mother (Marta) married one of the wealthiest and successful men on the planet. In his time of need, she divorces his ass and becomes an instant multi-millionaire. I certainly would like to become a multi-millionaire from being a house-husband for 10 years.
It must be nice being born with a vagina.