Well, I don't know. You've got me confused. If the press pool travels inside of Kerry how is he going to shoo them away unless he raises or lowers a stink? Very odd statement.
Sorry. In=with. The press pool that travels with Kerry. I must better proofread you says. You be correct.
It's clear to me that he called the press off on 6/9, allegedly for his daughter's graduation. But they followed him around on 6/8 (when he flew from D.C. to Burbank, visited the Reagan Library, "strolled" around UCLA for an hour and went to dinner with his daughters) and 6/10 (when he returned to Washington, visited with McAwful at the DNC in front of "enthusiastic" DNC staffers and actually showed up at a Senate office building for a day). The press took the pictures at the Reagan library.