Aaaaaackkkk!!!!! ABC just showed the Algores!!!!!!!
328 posted on
06/11/2004 7:16:43 AM PDT by
(-|- "All in all, not bad. Not bad at all." -|-)
To: admiralsn
We missed Algore on Fox... So sad...
To: admiralsn
Quick...go to the eye station... wash them babies out before they are permanently scarred! :)
334 posted on
06/11/2004 7:17:36 AM PDT by
(Re: The Reagan Presidency: Not bad. Not bad at all.)
To: admiralsn
"Aaaaaackkkk!!!!! ABC just showed the Algores!!!!!!!"
Well, they just can't be resepcrful on a day such as today, they have to politicize it so othey can accuse pubbies of doing so by tomorrow's 6pm news.
408 posted on
06/11/2004 7:30:04 AM PDT by
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