From time to time I see ridiculous aryanesque justifications for why Christianity is "superior" to all other religions, like yours. And like yours, they all are also premised on ignorant medieval concoctions of what other religions are really all about.
But hands down the majority of these kinds of diatribes come from islamists.
The Jews who were not allowed to own land developed trade, partly because they understood that the ban on interest was meant to apply to the strictures on lending money that does not increase, that goes to feed someone.
Investment is different. It is working money and charity does not pertain in its use. The only reason to provide capital is gain. Without capital there is no economic development. The Christians followed the lead of the Jews and the modern world was born. An atheist society cannot survive except as a totalitarianism. It cannot prosper in a modern sense except as it copies practices of a prosperous, thus Judaeo Christian society.