This is not a funeral; that is Friday.
Nancy was very touched by the expressions of support, mouthing "thank you" and waving to onnlookers.
It seems to me she is touched by it.
So go pound sand.
There is a moderate, respectful amount of this applause, not an overwhelming amount that detracts from the importance of the event....I refuse to say solemnity, as this should be a celebration of his life, not a time to cry over a man who is in heaven in glory.
Overall, despite some noise, it has been a largely quiet crowd.
If you can't take a couple expressions of support......WHICH NANCY HERSELF SHOWS TO BE TOUCHED are just wrong in the head.
So, are you saying that a ceremony offically called a "State Funeral" is not really a funeral?
Thank you thank you... I am tired of all the potshots at mourners who stood for hours and in sweltering humidity to pay their last respects.
Reagan was not cut down in his prime. He lived a full life and died a happy man, as Patti Davis wrote in her recent article. Some ultra-somber reaction would make little sense, and Reagan probably wouldn't appreciate it either...