Note to self:
Never comment on the following topics on Free Republic: Elian Gonzalez, death with dignity, or women working outside the home.
Note to self:
Karyn M. PhD is a pompous, arrogant, condescending jerk who cannot stand informed, confident dissent to her point of view on hot button issues to which she reacts like the guy in Lost in a Harem, the Abbott and Costello movie:
"Niagara Falls! Sloooooooowly I turned . . . step by step . . ."
What's that rule on Free Republic? The one about bringing up old disputes on new threads?
Just a note: Cuba executes or imprisons those who do not successfully escape. Mexico helps them across the border, has lobbiests in states like Florida, California, New Mexico pushing for Drivers Licenses for illegal aliens. Mexico also has a representative in their governemnt for mexicans living in California as if it is a state of Mexico.
We should not loose track that this is part of the push of Democrats to put "their DNC chosen one" up against the republican. It appears as the new DNC hitman, Gore has been sent to take out Pinelas. (The Clintoniones are at work.)