It is significant for American Catholics who are devout (and most likely vote Republican) to see the Methodist President visit the Pope. Despite the animosity of some Protestants he does represent over a billion members of the Church on earth. It seems to the Muslims (who have long memories and remember non-wimpy Christians) that he represents the leader of Christianity more than any other figure.
As for Kerry, well, I am sure he could have an audience with the Pope. I am certain the Pope would be very frank with him regarding the precarious position of his soul should he continue to defend the death cult. All the Church can do is appeal to his conscience and apply excommunication when it is deemed necessary.
I appreciate that American Fundamentalist Protestants have picked up the ball dropped by (most, not all) wimpy Catholic bishops regarding the abortion horror.
Thank you both for the information. I appreciate it.
Nicely put. There is amazing anti Catholic rhetoric and blatant hostility among Protestants voting Democrat.
I remember reading in the papers after Bush's first meeting with the Pope how the Pope had been appreciative that W was attentive and respectful. The Pope then added that 42 (also known as the most useless man in America) was inattentive and politely inferred that he was a disrespectful know-it-all.