This tripe wouldn't be deemed fit for my high school newspaper. What's the purpose of it? To prove that there's no parental supervision anymore, that kids are dumber than dirt today? My kids won't end up like these mindless drones.
This whole article is absurd. I'm of the age to be friends with these people, and really, they sound utterly pathetic. I noticed that all this was up north, while I'm in Texas. Perhaps they keep it a little more underwraps here, or the religious influence is strong enough to impose abstinence, but either way, none of my friends act like this. All I've heard is speculation about girls that act like this, however, it's a bit different because the girls that are "loose" are doing it for male attention. Maybe that's a point the article entirely missed, or the girls just didn't want to 'fess up to. Also, I agree with the previous person that said a lot of this sounds fabricated because it is just so... hell, ABSURD. I've come to the decision that I'm either a lot more unconnected with the school grapevine that I originally thought, or that this sort of thing is a bit more quiet in the suburb that I live in.