Yep...I still feel they are clearly the more talented squad. The Lakers are my second-favorite team after the Bucks, but they piss me off when they give an effort like they did last night (Shaq not included).
"President Reagan was held in near universal contempt by our alleged allies, the Western Europeans. By sheer coincidence my first trip to Europe was in 1984 during the week of the former President's wisecrack during a pre-radio broadcast soundcheck about invading the Soviet Union in 10 minutes. The outcry I witnessed was deafening. According to the Europeans, Reagan was worse than Hitler or Stalin. He was a warmonger, hell-bent on a nuclear confrontation with the peaceful socialists of the Soviet Union. He was a cowboy, an uneducated lout who merely mouthed words put in front of him by his handlers. He was a puppet of the State of Israel. And most damning of all in the eyes of the Europeans, Reagan actually had the temerity to admit publicly to a belief in God. Reagan was so gauche, so unsophisticated, you know----so unFrench.
thanks for the ping
They're finding their offense at the right time, but I've seen this movie waaay too many times. The Lakers will come back from the dead and win in 6.