So you say that it wasn't "right", that is was a "totally immoral move", amazing... Murder, rape, torture, abuse (sexual and otherwise), things that violate basic human rights, our laws, and any sense of common decency. They degraded their country, the flag, their uniform and fellow soldiers and the people who died. But... Somehow this merits only comments like how it "was not RIGHT", and that it was a "totally immoral move" while you reserve any real condemnation or vicious comments and personal attacks for Hackworth who released information to the public.
You haven't been paying attention (ADD?) I think what these people did was totally immoral and they should, and will, be brought to justice. That is a part of what Hackworth, if he's a part of this has endangered.
Why do I have to keep repeating this? Are you unable to follow your own statements to their logical conclusion??? You maliciously attack Hackworth for doing nothing but releasing very pertinent information while making comments about the actual abusers which are, to say the least, slight in comparison. This is illogical and moronic.
I attack Hackworth because he had to know that an investigation was already going on. As a matter of fact, the report was put out with stunning speed considering the way the legal system works. You only release photos if the military was refusing to acknowledge there was a problem. They obviously took the problem very seriously. People all the way up the line to BG Karpinski had already been removed from duty and the army was in the process of gathering evidence for further prosecution. WHY then would anyone release the photos? The ONLY thing to be accomplished by doing that was sully our military, hopefully cause a retreat in front of our enemy, and to destroy America's reputation.
Got it?
I agree, it still looks like a staged event to me, someone made this happen to either get us out of the ME or get Bush out of office. Either AQ or HC.