Victor Clube,Napier,Chandra Wickramasinghe did some computer regression on the Taurid meteor complex.
The Taurid stream is 4 seperate streams now...big haunting Lurker Comet Encke is part of this.
The Earth travels accross the 4 streams..the journey takes up a combined total of a quarter of a year.
These highly credible astronomers see this as the being from one parent comet origen...a super comet which broke up from tidal forces over a sequence of some 20,000 yrs in our solar system.
recently..several comets of *Long duration have appeared out of nowhere..unrecorded by man.
Just one of Shoe Maker Levy 9's 21 fragments which augered into Jupiter would have done what to our little Blue sphere?
Catastrophism..the mythology of percieved to be intimately linked to comets.
NASA/JPL recently commented that a debrie stream which cycles near our Earth may have been a moon at one time.
The debrie train regresses under computer sim to a singular ident.
The moons of Jupiter/Saturn are simply shotgunned with Impactors.
Mars has been nearly lanced also bears immense electrical interface arc gouges...its magnetic field is shattered..turned off and located near its surface instead of interior like Earths dipolar dynamo.
Lets hope Nostradamus is wrong..cuz we have a date with a comet...."In the reign of terror..when the comet runs"
It is, but it is turning away (Me-think?).
Think of a spray can spraying down then being pointed at you while sraying , and as it sraying at us it leaves a new
debrie stream, or worse it can effect our planet with unknown showers of debrie , dust, and ???.
The media is not covering or reporting on this major event,I ask myself why?
The only news story is from Australia and they reported that the comet is estimated to be 10,000 km in size.
That's major news in itself, if it is true.
We live in interesting times.