You are being both dishonest and silly: you want all American companies not to operate abroad --- probably because you fell for that socialist propaganda against outsourcing; and you are using "standards" as an excuse.
Both points are actually incorrect: you have no right to tell other Americans where to invest their money, and the standards are maintained at Heinz are American, regardless of where their plants are located. Perhaps, you should become more familiar with the subject matter before you defame honest, hardworking people. It's not nice. It's not a conservative thing to do --- that is one of the Commandments, actually.
Not to mention that the entire "outsourcing" charge is ridiculous. American ketchup is made in America. Would those opposed to outsourcing rather that Heinz made every product for the entire world here in America?
Is it even feasible to ship foodstuffs all over the world economically? Given the choice of having American-owned ketchup plants in Europe or having no market share due to higher prices due to shipping costs, any reasonable person would build plants where the markets are.