To: Texas_Jarhead
Wesley Clark on H&C
Our gound tactics are not the correct tactics. We should be defensive and let Iraqis handle eveything else. Not very realistic in my humble opinion.
You mean the same Iraqis who ran away, joined the militants or refused to fight? OH YEAH Weasel that would be REAL smart! Who was stupid enough to make this moron a General?
407 posted on
04/13/2004 8:06:33 PM PDT by
(Vote Bush 2004-We have the solutions, Kerry Democrats? Nothing but slogans)
To: MNJohnnie
"You mean the same Iraqis who ran away, joined the militants or refused to fight? OH YEAH Weasel that would be REAL smart! Who was stupid enough to make this moron a General?"
481 posted on
04/13/2004 8:32:25 PM PDT by
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