Of course you are right that we are not using our full contingent of weaponry, but such is the burden of being the GoodGuys who do everything we can to minimize the deaths of innocent civilians. A few days ago, I spent many posts debating why we could not simply NUKE FALLUJAH!! While I want to do everything we can to minimize the loss of our soldiers, America cannot help but be the GoodGuys in any conflict in which we are engaged. In the long run, the Moral Authority that we retain by minimizing the loss of innocent life ultimately saves military lives as the vast majority of the folks we are liberating come to recognize our efforts and eventually shun those who snuff out innocent lives as a battle strategy.
That said, if we know a concentration of insurgents are holed up in a particular Mosque, by all means, drop a MOAB on it and rid the world of that concentration of vermin!!
Mosques can always be rebuilt.