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To: Cannoneer No. 4
More than likely the press will interpret these indirect tactics as proof that Americans are afraid to advance or declare that the Marines have been pinned down.
Yep! That will be the report.
47 posted on
04/05/2004 3:17:05 PM PDT by
To: Cannoneer No. 4
58 posted on
04/05/2004 4:05:42 PM PDT by
in the Arena
("rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” ~ Orwell)
To: Cannoneer No. 4; Old Sarge
Excellent read...
60 posted on
04/05/2004 4:44:15 PM PDT by
(Kalen is home!!! Kalen is home!!! Thank you for all your prayers and support!!)
To: Cannoneer No. 4
To: Cannoneer No. 4
I don't know that it will play out this way, although it could. Getting the non-combatants out of there would be nice, but I'm not sure how you tell who is who. Unless we have significant Iraqi help in determining that, and I'm not sure we have that in Fallujah, we could evacuate all the bad guys only to find an empty city.
It's really a matter of determining where the bad guys are in the city and applying appropriate force. Generally, that means receiving the first salvo.
64 posted on
04/05/2004 5:21:51 PM PDT by
Dog Gone
To: Cannoneer No. 4
Ping for later!!
69 posted on
04/05/2004 7:16:40 PM PDT by
("Do I feel your pain?? Hell, I caused your pain!!!!" - Tom Eaker, 2004)
To: Cannoneer No. 4; wretchard
Thanks for this.
75 posted on
04/05/2004 10:00:45 PM PDT by
(Hating people is like burning down your house to kill a rat)
To: Cannoneer No. 4
Crush the b@stards. If it weren't for the need to gain intell, I'd say they need to die slowly and painfully.
Mercy for a time has taken flight.
Semper Fi Marines and God speed...shoot first, ask questions later.
77 posted on
04/06/2004 4:09:40 AM PDT by
(Liberals are the real Mind-Numbed Robots - No Brains, No Guts, No Character)
To: Cannoneer No. 4
Reference bump.
80 posted on
04/06/2004 4:25:28 AM PDT by
('s Modern Life)
To: Cannoneer No. 4
excellent analysis, to which i humbly add that the terrorists will not hesitate to use the civilian evacuation against the USMC perimeter by stampeding them, hoping to slip thier own past in the chaos, or shooting some of those civilians from within the very midst of the evacuating throngs.
82 posted on
04/06/2004 6:06:38 AM PDT by
(God has granted us liberty, and we owe Him courage in return)
To: Cannoneer No. 4
83 posted on
04/06/2004 6:48:27 AM PDT by
(Choose this day whom U will serve: Shrillery & demonic goons or The King of Kings and Lord of Lords)
To: Cannoneer No. 4
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