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To: Cincinatus' Wife; mtbopfuyn; sakic; ItisaReligionofPeace

My concern is that when he gets out of here in six months, besides the physical health problems he's facing, I hope I'm wrong, but I believe he'll be dealing with some heavy duty psychological stuff.
When Nick was in Afghanistan, I tried to think of a project we could work on together, expecting he would be coming out of the military this July, but he re-upped for three more years. I was thinking he'd need some kind of decompression time and maybe we could work on a project together—maybe two voices of war—a mother and son sort of thing. It would be interesting and maybe it would be a way to work through some of the things in his head.

From here.

It's pretty clear what is going on here. She's an overbearing pacifist who can't let go of her 26 year old son. What does he do to get away from her? Joins the Army. When she imposes herself on him via her little project while he's in Afganistan, he re-ups thinking that this will keep her away for another three years. What does she do? Goes to Iraq. I feel truly sorry for the this guy. I am proud of him for his effort to rid himself of this albatross. God bless you, Nick.

101 posted on 04/03/2004 6:35:25 AM PST by raybbr (My 1.4 cents - It used to be 2 cents, but after taxes - you get the idea.)
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To: raybbr
I feel sorry for her son as well.
106 posted on 04/03/2004 6:41:00 AM PST by ItisaReligionofPeace (I'm from the government and I'm here to help.)
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To: raybbr
"When Nick was in Afghanistan, I tried to think of a project we could work on together, expecting he would be coming out of the military this July, but he re-upped for three more years. I was thinking he'd need some kind of decompression time and maybe we could work on a project together-maybe two voices of war-a mother and son sort of thing."

Must be earth-shattering for a mindless pacifist to give birth to a warrior.


123 posted on 04/03/2004 7:25:13 AM PST by misunderestimated
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To: raybbr
This is the kind of woman who drives a man to workaholism.
127 posted on 04/03/2004 7:47:57 AM PST by Ben Chad
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To: raybbr
And he's stuck, because he's an honorable man who probably takes the "Honor thy Mother and thy Father" commandment seriously, and wouldn't dream of publishing how he really feels about his mother's point of view.
134 posted on 04/03/2004 8:39:15 AM PST by mvpel (Michael Pelletier)
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To: raybbr
"It's pretty clear what is going on here. She's an overbearing pacifist who can't let go of her 26 year old son. What does he do to get away from her? Joins the Army. When she imposes herself on him via her little project while he's in Afganistan, he re-ups thinking that this will keep her away for another three years. What does she do? Goes to Iraq. I feel truly sorry for the this guy. I am proud of him for his effort to rid himself of this albatross. God bless you, Nick."


After reading her weblog entries and reading through this thread, it is SOOOOOOOO clear as to why Nick re-enlisted for another tour of duty, this time in Iraq. Not only is he tired of being weighed down by his mother's never ending guilt trip, he is also a patriot.

The fact that Nick turned out as well as he did is something that he, and the Army, should be proud of.
154 posted on 04/03/2004 10:05:26 AM PST by Skywarner (Enjoying freedom? Thank a Veteran!)
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To: raybbr
You're right. The psychology of this one isn’t hard to figure out.

--Mom brings boy into the world.

--Mom raises boy and teaches him that America, and especially White American Males are loathsome, evil, enslaving things.

--Boy grows up and observes that the America around him, even the Bay Area, isn’t the dark and evil place mom’s ideology claims it to be.

--Boy discovers a place where manhood, pride in self and pride in country are encouraged, revered and cherished.

--Boy enlists and goes to Ranger School.

--Mom runs after young man crying “Why are you do this?” Catches up to him somewhere outside Baghdad.

I have a feeling that Nick will deal with his embarrassment. Mom, I’m not to sure about.
159 posted on 04/03/2004 10:40:40 AM PST by InABunkerUnderSF (Where there is no vision, the people perish.)
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