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Anti-war woman's trip to see son serving in Iraq has surprises for both
San Francisco Chronicle ^
| April 3, 2004
| Joe Garofoli, Chronicle Staff Writer
Posted on 04/03/2004 4:02:11 AM PST by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
To: longun45
I agree.
I'm not disputing that she loves her son, but it's a selfish love that, as someone said previously, is projecting her own ideals onto her children.
At the end of the article, it said "But she knows they'll eventually understand each other; they're mother and child." To me, that translates as "I'm his mother, he's my child, so he'll eventually come around and do what he's supposed to."
She doesn't want to understand his way of thinking; she wants him to see things her way.
To: raybbr
"When Nick was in Afghanistan, I tried to think of a project we could work on together, expecting he would be coming out of the military this July, but he re-upped for three more years. I was thinking he'd need some kind of decompression time and maybe we could work on a project together-maybe two voices of war-a mother and son sort of thing." Must be earth-shattering for a mindless pacifist to give birth to a warrior.
To: submarinerswife
and she can't fatham the idea of him doing it because he "Didn't need the money for college" Oh - well, didn't you know? That's the only reason any of us join the military - especially those of us that enlisted. I'm still trying to figure out how to spend the hundreds of thousands of dollars I made while I was an enlisted man in the US Air Force.
Money for college - geeze. I'm betting she protests because she wants to make the world "a better place." Kind of like why so many of us joined the military.
posted on
04/03/2004 7:29:49 AM PST
To: Cincinatus' Wife
Galleymore prefers not to use Nick's last name so that he is not harassed by his colleagues for her anti-war views. She requested the same anonymity for her daughter, who likewise doesn't share her mother's opinions on the war. Yahoo! Nothing like living with a lib to show you the idiocy of their logic.
To: Cincinatus' Wife
To get young people to object the war, this group is saying we are having the draft again. I think a couple of Dem's are pushing S89 and HR 163 and it's literally on the floor. When we turn over the authority in June, our troops involvement will be no draft.
As a Mother, I would never undermine my child's morale when they are in uniform and in danger's way. This woman is selfish and stupied. Not giving support will make the soldier hestitate about his objectives. This will get him and others killed.
Thanks Mom....
To: raybbr
This is the kind of woman who drives a man to workaholism.
To: Cincinatus' Wife
The deal is as simple as this: If you don't support the troops' mission, you don't support the troops!
Paul Kantner of "The Jefferson Airplane" once said that San Francisco was 49 square miles surrounded by reality. It seems this is still true.
posted on
04/03/2004 7:48:44 AM PST
(Before God makes you greedy, he makes you stupid.)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
Folks this all anti war propaganda in the anti war and ultra liberal SF Chronicle. Do you think they would have written an article about a mother who's son was in Iraq and who supported the war. I do not think so.
To: sakic
So far I haven't seen anyone post that she hates her son. She just loves herself more. He's 25 years old for gawd's sake - she needs to cut her baggage loose from him instead of trying to incorporate him into her politics.
And did I miss the part that mentioned a father? Wonder what he thinks?
posted on
04/03/2004 8:07:48 AM PST
(ATTENTION FALLUJAH: "you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.")
To: Cincinatus' Wife
This is OT, but wanted to tell you that about three weeks ago my friend's son answered the phone in Caracas and told me they were rounding up men between the ages of 18 to 45 and sending them to Cuba for training. I called my other friend right away, she was gone so I asked her maid if this were true. The maid said that it is voluntary, and the men are given money for their families for volunteering to go to Cuba to be trained.
posted on
04/03/2004 8:17:06 AM PST
To: Cincinatus' Wife
Don't know if this has already been stated, but can you imagine moms during WWII following there sons to Germany?
And for the record, what is the difference between freeing the Jews from Hitler and freeing the Iraqis from Saddam? Nothing. Apparently, the Holocaust Museum has made more of an impression on conservatives than liberals. Surprise, surprise.
posted on
04/03/2004 8:26:00 AM PST
To: proud American in Canada
"And apparently she values politics more than her son. "
Very good point. Politics trumps everything for the red brigades.
posted on
04/03/2004 8:34:51 AM PST
( - Disturb, manipulate, demonstrate for the right thing)
To: raybbr
And he's stuck, because he's an honorable man who probably takes the "Honor thy Mother and thy Father" commandment seriously, and wouldn't dream of publishing how he really feels about his mother's point of view.
posted on
04/03/2004 8:39:15 AM PST
(Michael Pelletier)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
posted on
04/03/2004 8:54:27 AM PST
("Oyez, oyez! All rise for the Honorable Chief Justice... Hillary Rodham Clinton ")
To: Cincinatus' Wife
In one essay, Galleymore asked for others to appreciate that the soldiers are in a dilemma, "caught in a military culture that encourages the numbing of most emotions but anger. Whip up enough anger in young men emotionally isolated, denied friends, family, lovers, even civilians clothes, physically exhaust them, nourish them inadequately, expose them to extreme temperatures and violent behavior, confine them to base and portray everyone else as murderous and you create impossible stress." John Kerry and Vietnam redux.
posted on
04/03/2004 8:55:55 AM PST
(2 FReep is 2B --- 2B is 2 FReep)
To: qam1; ItsOurTimeNow; PresbyRev; tortoise; Fraulein; StoneColdGOP; Clemenza; malakhi; m18436572; ...
Xer Ping Ping list for the discussion of the politics and social aspects that directly effects Generation-X (Those born from 1965-1982) including all the spending previous generations (i.e. The Baby Boomers) are doing that Gen-X and Y will end up paying for.
Freep mail me to be added or dropped. See my home page for details.
posted on
04/03/2004 9:01:20 AM PST
(Tommy Thompson is a Fat-tubby, Fascist)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
Just another reminder that you can't pick your parents. Ranger on, Nick.
posted on
04/03/2004 9:03:40 AM PST
(Right Wing Infidel since 1954)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
The woman is a fruitloop spreading propaganda.
posted on
04/03/2004 9:15:28 AM PST
(Michael Medved has the Greatest radio show on GOD's Green Earth)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
After Nick finished his third year at San Francisco State University and had been accepted for transfer to UC Berkeley, he announced that he had joined the Army. I wonder if Nick actually wanted to go to those schools or were they his mother's choice
, 'My kid is going to get killed for something I don't believe in, and I don't think he knows what he's getting into.' "
I am just speechless on that statement
posted on
04/03/2004 9:18:22 AM PST
(Tommy Thompson is a Fat-tubby, Fascist)
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