I have watched the hearing for the last 2 days. I am very disgusted at the partisanship shown by several members of the committee. Today one member brought up an interview Clark gave a year or so ago, that totally contradicted his testimony. Only 2-3 of the members actually followed up with Clark about this. I was stunned that several of the member seemed to be trying to defend Clark. I think it was Kerry that actually attacked the news source. I thought they were trying to get to the truth, not where the source was. Tell Kerry his comments were unprofessional and disgusting. To me, it seems as if 4-5 of the member have already made up their minds. It looks as if they are trying to blame president Bush. They must remember this is very important. We lost 3,000 US citizens on 9-11. We are STILL at war. I cannot believe how some of these members seem to be attacking Bush during a time of war. I will be honest. After the last 2 days, I have no confidence that this commission will get to the root of the problem. I believe whatever report will come down to partisanship by the members. Please tell them all, that a good part of America is ashamed of how they are acting. This comission will be dismissed as irrelevant my most of America I am afraid.
To: Thomas H.Kean, Lee H.Hamilton, Richard Ben Veniste, Fred F.Fielding,Jamie S. Gorelick, Slade Gorton, Bob Kerrey,John F.Lehman, Timothy J. Roemer, James R. Thompson,
Shame on all of you!You,who have been put into a position to find answers as to what went wrong on September 11,2001, have made these hearings a total waste of the American peoples time and money.I had hoped that I would see a panel of Americans who could put aside their political differences and come together to find the answers ,but I should have known better.What I witnessed was a panel that wanted to put the blame on someone,not find answers.You pointed so many times at the fact that Condoleeza Rice would not attend these hearings.You gave the impression that Ms.Rice did not want to go before the commission.What you made little known was that she had come before you in private and answered all the questions you asked of her.What purpose(,other than for grandstanding effect) did you keep repeating that she wouldn't show up.?
On another point Mr.Clarke was asked at one time who finalized the plans for the Bin Laden family to be flown out of the United States.Mr. Clarke answered that he was not privy as to who gave the final go ahead. He was then asked who would usually give the final okay to plans of these types,to which he responded .Now I ask you what was the benefit of that question?Would Mr.Clarkes hypothetical answer help this commission find out how to keep terrorist from hurting this country again?No and you know it was a question asked for political ramifications.
What I want to ask this commission is does this nation mean nothing to you?Can you not put aside the fact that you are a Republican or Democrat for the safety of this nation?Will it take more of us being killed to make you open your eyes.You are suppose to be looking to find answers as to what happened on 9-11,if you don't put you political preferences aside one day if another terrorist strike hits us the people of this nation will be looking to you and ask why couldn't you have just been an American ,not a Republican or Democrat ,and found out how we could avoid this again!