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Spain's Surrender (Important)
Front Page Magazine ^ | March 18, 2004 | Jamie Glazov and Victor Hanson

Posted on 03/19/2004 5:11:27 PM PST by swilhelm73

Frontpage Interview has the pleasure to have Victor Hanson, author of the new book Between War and Peace: Lessons from Afghanistan to Iraq, as its guest today.

Frontpage Magazine: Mr. Hanson, it is a pleasure to have you join Frontpage Interview. Welcome.

Hanson: Thank you for having me again.

FP: This collection of your 35 previously published essays, most of them from NRO, is extremely impressive. Their themes apply exactly to our latest tragedy and crisis in Spain.

One of your special expertises is on how leftists, and some of our European allies, have chosen to side with our enemy. Now, after the Madrid terror attack, we see another European ally succumb to appeasement. Let’s start our discussion with your general thoughts on this development.

Hanson: Well, even before the terrorists' communiques were fully disseminated the Spanish electorate voted for appeasement and a socialist government that would distance itself from the United States. This is the most profound example of capitulation since Daladier and Chamberlain and sets a truly awful example: will British, Polish, Italian, and American elections now be presaged by mass murder on the assumption that decadent, affluent Westerners can be intimidated in fear of attacks?

Worse, this was not panic from a fickle leader but an overwhelming expression of public fear and intimidation. I am afraid it confirms what most of us have thought for some time about the Europeans: they want our bases and troops, but only in the shadows and with avenues of distance and denial, as a last guarantee only of their safety in extremis. I wish the Spanish had voted to expel our soldiers as well--but perhaps that will be in the next terrorist demand. And note that the Greeks, who slurred NATO in the Balkans, did nothing for it in Aghanistan, and trashed the US over Iraq, find a bomb at a Citibank office and suddenly are talking of NATO help in their Olympic security-even as the hated Americans are offering our commandos for joint practice operations with them against potential terrorist-like incursions.

As for Spain-and I say this with real remorse given their suffering and national catastrophe-not since Theodosius and the late Romans paid their annual bribe money to Attila have we seen such success in bullying and terrifying a Western nation. It is right off the pages of Gibbon in his discussion of how weak, wealthy, and fearful Westerners paid Goths and Huns before Adrianople and Chalons. And this is the beginning not the end of it, as we shall soon see.

All Americans feel terrible about the Spanish mass murder, but how can we express our solidarity when the reaction is to repudiate both us and Spaniards who were allied with us? And contrast the American example: 26 days after 9-11 we were in Afghanistan attacking the Taliban and al Qaeda; the Spaniards n 48 hours were turning out to apologize. A sad day for the West.

FP: And so what do you think of the Spanish reaction to the terror in Madrid, in terms of the turning to appeasement specifically?

Hanson: I am nauseated by it.

FP: Expand a bit on why you say this.

Hanson: I can understand a shocked public acting on emotion rather than reason. But to channel that grief so immediately toward a political end, and have the Socialists almost immediately employ invective against the United States, promising to take the troops out by June and rethink relations with the United States. It is an al Qaeda fantasy come true.

Our own NY-DC political-military axis should take a hard look at all this, and start crafting some long-term strategies, inasmuch as this appeasement is a grass-roots phenomenon, and apparently independent of a ruling elite. Greece (which will soon have one worker per one state pensioner) just cut defense spending, asked NATO to help with its security, went on joint manoeuvres with American anti-terrorist forces-all during a year-long spasm of anti-Americanism.

It may well be that the Europeans are angry with us not despite our principled help and NATO basing, but rather precisely because of it. And I don't mean our too visible presence, but rather due to deep-seeded feelings of inferiority, envy, and spite that they are weak militarily and being protected and thus vent with the antics like what we just saw from the newly-elected Spanish minister.

Perhaps a very quiet, very professional downsizing of all our troops from the Mediterranean would send a powerful message toour allies that our alliance is based on friendship and mutual sacrifice, and does not rest in perpetuity, but only as long as there is a group effort to combat a common threat. Those circumstances simply no longer exist.

Again, we really are a different people if you contrast the American and Spanish reactions to al Qaeda's unprovoked mass murder on their shores. So sad-this idea that bin Laden knows far better than we the true nature of the Spanish citizenry. Why John Kerry would wish to hint that such leaders who are angry with the United States praise him through back channels, I don't know. That may play well with his wife's foundation friends and at the Kennedy School of Government, but out here in middle America it would seem to me the kiss of death.

FP: Kerry’s behavior, of course, is part of a long leftist tradition of siding with our totalitarian enemies. Tell us a bit about why the Left is now so excited with siding with the bin Ladens and Husseins of this world. As always, it admires the tyrants that extinguish all supposed sacred leftist values themselves. Give us an insight into the psychology here.

Hanson: It's not so much that they prefer such monsters per se--after all a Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore are not dying to move to Haiti, Syria, or the West Bank.

Rather they start with the premise that what America does is probably wrong, and therefore its enemies de facto can claim the moral high ground. Lately this deductive anti-Americanism is becoming laughable. Look at the rogues' gallery of our dethroned opponents--the Grenada thugs, Noriega, Milosevic, the Taliban, and Saddam are hardly national liberationists.

While there is genuine disagreement in America over foreign policy, this shrill near-hatred of the United States government is largely a different phenomenon of a very pampered elite in the media, universities, bureaucracies, and entertainment.

Perhaps because they are divorced from the real world through their wealth, they demand instantaneously their own utopia for the rest of us 'victims'--or else. They feel guilty about their privilege, of course. but rather than moving to more pedestrian digs or teaching at a JC or sending their kids to the local public school downtown, they sign petitions and go to up-scale rallies.

They resent bitterly that our plutocratic society rewards CEO's far more than in-the-know actors and glib professors, who "really" fathom what this country is supposedly all about. Beneath all this hysteria of invective, there really is a sense of class privilege and intellectual disdain.

FP: Fair enough. But Mr. Hanson, I disagree with you when you say that the Left does not prefer monsters. Chomsky and Moore are not dying to move to Haiti or Syria. . .well yes, the Left has always been hypocritical on this level. But this is not just about silliness or some kind of dishonesty on their part. Throughout the 20th century leftist Western intellectuals worshipped Stalin, Mao and other mass killers. They went in droves to visit the communist concentration camps and they praised these societies while the killing fields were in their highest gear.

It is not just a coincidence that leftists venerate every despot that opposes the United States. The Left’s embrace of militant Islam today is just a logical continuation of Western intellectuals who travelled to Soviet Russia in the 1930s and worshipped Stalin -- and of Jane Fonda praising the North Vietnamese despots.

What I am getting at here is that there is a malicious and sinister objective within the heart of the Left. It craves totalitarianism, because totalitarianism will suffocate freedom and, ultimately, human life itself – which the Left hates the most. That every communist revolution ate its own children reveals a pernicious death wish in the heart of the Left, and I think it is very much in prominence once again in the War on Terror, in which the left is now in love with those despots who, once again, offer them the dream of extinguishing their own civil society and the freedom within it.

You find this interpretation too extreme?

Hanson: But we are talking about apples and oranges-on the one hand, hard-core, thuggish revolutionaries abroad who want power and all that it brings under the cynical aegis of "equality" and "social justice;" and on the other, mostly pampered intellectuals here at home at the trough of American splendor and luxury, in the manner of court jesters, jetting around trashing their alma mater.

Again, while there were a few deluded who really did cut sugar cane in Cuba, committed treason of sorts in Hanoi, and went down to idolize Daniel Ortega, most on the radical Left are really indistinguishable from most Americans in their patterns of consumption, tastes, jobs, etc.

So we are not confronted with Stalinists, hard-core Marxists, or fifth-columnists as much as those afflicted with the "Western disease"-a sort of glib self-hatred of the very society that imparts such freedom and affluence.

Of course we don't want to downplay the pernicious effects of such a malady. These fakers are serious and in fact pose our greatest challenge in the current struggle by unleashing a constant stream of negativism that encourages our enemies and weakens our resolve. The hysteria over the looting, the missing WMD, and the President's aircraft carrier landing--all that and more have clouded a stellar military victory and a largely successful effort so far to foster consensual government under impossible circumstances--something that 50 years from now we will look back on with awe.

The transmogrification of Islamofascists into the "other" is one of the most stunning developments in American intellectual history-but inexplicable apart from this postmodern, trendy left-wing dogma. We overlooked 25 years of continued terrorist assaults from November 1979 in Teheran to the USS Cole, in part because multiculturalism and cultural relativism were so entrenched that we dared not condemn as evil and wrong those creepy people who believed in gender apartheid, fundamentalism, autocracy, anti-intellectualism, and anti-Semitism, but instead romanticized or at least ignored them.

Ditto Arafat's Tunisian Mafia-and all the assorted Middle East manipulators who grasped that an NPR, New York Times columnist, ABC evening news lead-in, or Kennedy School of Government symposium would always prefer to hector Israeli self-defense, rather than suicide bombing, or scream over an American missed bomb rather than Taliban lynching, or looters in museums rather than Saddam's garrish destruction of Babylon.

So I am talking about a secular religion of anti-Americanism brought on by our very success that allows such utopianism and cheap caring-and it does weaken and tire our efforts to win this war.

A final example: the President has raised domestic spending by 8% per annum, lavished funds on health care and education, offered near amnesty to illegal immigrants from Mexico, appointed a plethora of minority judges, cabinet officials, and administrators, and committed more AIDs relief funds than all prior administrations put together-and is still hated by our Left, simply because his demeanor, accent, religion, and even appearance don't validate the aristocratic Left's rhetoric about sex, class, gender, and the other. It really is a make-believe world in which a Barbra Streisand, Gore Vidal, or Arianna Huffington cheaply sound off from their estates about some purported cosmic evil fostered by poor deluded Americans hooked on K-Mart and NASCAR.

FP: Some of our European allies stooped to a pretty low level in the Iraq war. The French are quite a case study. What is their problem? Has anti-Americanism become so pathological there now that they think Saddam is Mother Theresa? It’s like George Bernard Shaw prostrating himself before Stalin. Give us your perspective.

Hanson: Funny, isn't it? Europe is to New York and Boston like the latter are in turn to Boise and Bakersfield--affluent, elite, culturally aristocratic, and largely ignorant that the rest of the world does not operate on the premises of The Hague or Geneva. But why this European hobbits-in-the-Shire fantasy?

We've protected them for 60 years. They spend almost nothing on defense. And they see this wild, dynamic and utterly democratic popular American culture everywhere---and wonder why would the world want that crassness over French film or a German play? Who would prefer Starbucks to Vienese coffee, after all?

Once we withdraw some troops, once they begin to fathom the jam they've gotten themselves into through appeasing Middle East dictators and large, unassimilated Islamic minorities, and once-- terribile dictu--terrorists divert their attention to such easier targets, they will slowly and ever so insidiously began to talk about NATO, the Atlantic alliance, and the friendship of the United States.

The irony? George Bush was the best friend that the Europeans ever had. He really believes in making sacrifices for Western Civilization and promoting, not just talking about, our shared vision of liberal democracy that after all began in Europe.

His muscular action and courage to address the corrupt status quo in the Middle East (whether Arafat, Saddam, or the Taliban) allows Euros to triangulate like never before, playing good cop to our bad, and touting their soft power as the civilized alternative to us. The Euro diplomats and elites I've talked to are more worried about our growing pique than promulgating their own.

FP: Anti-Americanism is just skyrocketing throughout the world now. What’s going on?

Hanson:I don't think it is. The strange world of intellectual journals, CNN pundits, state radio andTV, etc. is perhaps comfortably anti-U.S., but the real world of immigration, fascination with U.S. products, mimicry of American culture, desire to visit and study in America is quite different.

Jamie, what do Bin Laden, President Musharref, Hanna Ahsrawi, the Saudi Royal Family, Iranian mullahs, Hans Blix, the German ambassador to the U.S., etc all have in common? Their kin are either in or were in the Great Satan to study, work, or play. Of course, boutique anti-Americanism is cheap, pyschologically satisfying (envy being a powerful emotion), and sort of hip--especially when the current U.S. president has a drawl, is Christian, from Texas, says “nuclar,” cares little for the NY Times op-eds, and pretty much thinks Crawford is a nicer place than Beacon Hill or Paris.

FP: But Mr. Hanson, because Saudis study in the U.S. does not mean they love the U.S. They exploit the U.S., and coming to the U.S. only escalates their hatred of us. The very fact that bin Laden was Westernized shows the great danger of anti-Americanism, no? Surely you are cognizant of the fact that many who come to the West seek to destroy it, exploiting our tolerance and freedom to ultimately suffocate it? Look at the Islamists in France and Europe.

Hanson: Of course, I understand that. But again you miss my point. Their hatred arises precisely out of desire--fascination with our wealth, freedom, tolerance, and liberality that turns to envy and finally to hatred (both for us and themselves)-when they ultimately realize that their own allegiance to fundamentalism, statism, autocracy, and sexual apartheid are responsible for their own misery.

So again, it is an Alice in Wonderland phenomenon of a pampered bin Laden with his video technicians and cell phones, or jet-setting Saudis with Mayo Clinic doctor visits-entirely parasitic yes, but also instructive because their own actions belie their rhetoric.

They do sense that they have failed and want the West they hate. It is our duty not to facilitate that hatred by appeasement or multicultural goobly-gook, but instead offer the carrot of reform and help-and the stick that lets them know in no uncertain terms our ancestors didn't die at Gettysburg, Iwo, or Pusan to give into their pathetic Dark Age fantasies. They must accept that the next regime, rogue nation-call what you will- who has any remote connection with those who commit a 9-11 like attack on the United States will learn that their complicity is synonymous with their utter destruction.

FP: Mr. Hanson, your new book also contains some material on one of your key interests: the strange connection between affluence and privilege and venom. True enough, ever since the counter culture, we see many of the most privileged people in the world full of rage and hating their own society. Tell us a bit about this phenomenon.

Hanson: What to call it? Prep-school populism? Isn't it grating to hear a Howard Dean of Park Avenue, Al Gore of a swanky DC hotel, John Kerry of Beacon Hill, or various endowed professors and spoiled millionaire actors screaming about economic justice and "the people"?

Do they think their education, money, travel, or class has given them some special "insight" into the machinations of a George Bush who has pulled the wool over all us yokels in places like Fresno? Are we all suffering from false consciousness and slavish consumerism that need the morality and wisdom of a Sean Penn, Gore Vidal, Tim Robbins, or Al Franken to free us?

Aristocratic angst is not new, but reminds me a lot of the sophists at Athens who were upset that their rhetoric--a product of investment in very expensive "thinkery"- did not always win praise for wisdom.

So we have this strange, rather sick idea in the United States-should we call it "Clintonism" or even "Gorism"?-that an 'educated' person from the Ivy League or a product of prep school, who can spin a sophisticated argument, replete with all sorts of sarcastic asides, smug name-dropping, and allusions to esoterica, is de facto either a genius to be listened to, courageous enough to follow, or moral enough to admire.

The fact is that since 9-11 those who have saved this culture--Army Rangers sleeping in the Afghan Mts., marines in the Sunni Triangle, millions of ordinary Americans who cleaned tables and poured cement, tough policy makers who endured terrible invective like a Puall Wolfowitz or Don Rumsfeld, and of course the President himself did so through skills other than verbage. Thank god for all of them in this hour of crisis.

FP: So how do you see the war in Iraq and the War on Terror in general right now? What course must we take? In what objectives and tactics in victory rooted?

Hanson: Beneath the hype? In less than 3 years we took out the world's 2 worst regimes--and fostered consensual government, not dictators in their place. Al Qaeda is on the run. No more 9-11-like attacks so far--knock on wood. Europe is learning that the US is really its best friend, but that Europeans' own cheap rhetoric and triangulation is a suicidal policy that will leave them alone and defenseless while we move on.

Libya is coming clean. Pakistan is helping hunt down OBL and revealing its nuclear roguery, a far cry from its pre-911 behavior. Iran is worried about a revolution and an unpredictable US. Soon no more troops in Saudi Arabia. Arafat is lord of his rubble heap, not in the Lincoln bedroom each month. So despite the tragic sacrifices of 600 American dead overseas, many hundreds wounded, billions spent, and perhaps a trillion committed to security and economic recovery from 9-11, America is doing pretty well and turning the corner.

We must press on in Iraq. Continue the pressure on the Saudis to join in the war against al Qaeda and embrace reform--or end up on the wrong side of a very angry US. We will not win until terrorists feel that they cannot live in Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. Those countries must change and they have a choice between voluntary radical domestic reform (unlikely), revolution by a democratic opposition (preferable) or military confrontation with the United States (the turmoil in Afghanistan and Iraq will not last for ever).

Victory will come when Americans accept that terror is but a method, not an enemy. We are at war with Islamic fascists who out of conventional military impotence employ terror, along with their autocratic patrons that either actively abet them or knowingly ignore them.

We will win when such regimes either fall or at least choose the Khadafy option of compliance (we will see whether it is genuine). That goal of ending the pathological landscape that gave us 9-11 is accomplished by military action, promotion of local reformers, and a massive ideological campaign to explain Western civilization and its transcendent values- not only to Arabs but to our own citizens who so often, almost criminally so, take it for granted or have not a clue about what allows them to prosper as we do.

All this can be done-but only if we learn from the past wages of appeasement, have confidence in our ability to defend our culture intellectually and spiritually, and never give into our fears.

FP: Mr. Hanson, thank you, our time is up. It was an honor to have you here. We hope you can visit us again soon.

Hanson: My pleasure Jamie.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 11march; interview; jamieglazov; spain; surrender; transcript; victordavishanson
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To: Axenolith
Islam is a religeon of war and assimilation.

But look at the Persians, I think we do need to help those who wish to help themselves. Europeans have become so godless and decadent, they've brought all this on but others in the Middle East and Africa want freedom. Someday if the French tire of Islam then they will begin to overthrow it themselves and then we could aid them.

121 posted on 03/21/2004 6:45:58 AM PST by FITZ
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To: swilhelm73
122 posted on 03/21/2004 6:58:11 AM PST by Fiddlstix (This Space Available for Rent or Lease by the Day, Week, or Month. Reasonable Rates. Inquire within.)
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To: Burkeman1
Where would the Middle East be if the West didn't buy their oil? It's the only thing they have to sell other than carpets. And we had to show them how to drill for it, etc.. Let's say we got out yesterday, we invented cold fusion or whatever to heat houses and fuel cars, the Middle East would still hate us. They'd be reduced to eating sand. The problem with Islam is that it looks backward. Their culture is stagnant and worse.

Spain just begged terrorists to 'paint burquas on every Spanish butt', to paraphrase M. Steyn. As long as computers, TV, and movies exist, America be in every living room in the world with electricity and running water. Our culture isn't stagnant. We are a creative people...blame individual freedom for that. Every day we get up and invent something new that captivates the world and infuriates people like Osama bin Laden. We aren't about to change our nature, and you can't disinvent computers and mass communication.

Appeasement won't work long, and neither will blackmail. I wonder if that won't be the next trick out of the terrorist bag: threatening to bomb some European city if America doesn't give up the fight. Bombing America proper would only serve to enrage us and make us more determined to carry the battle to whatever rat-infested cave terrorists call home, this time with MOAB.

Plus, the terrorists' latest demands have gone way beyond America getting out of Saudi Arabia. Now they want to revisit the Crusades, et. al.. This time they want to conquer Europe, then the rest of the world, so where do we draw the line in the sand?

Do you think Kerry has the right idea and we should consult the UN for legitimacy on everything from soup to nuts? Some in the State department would go that route. I heard some nitwit general (McCaffrey?), on the radio...a CNN feed...yesterday, calling Powell a national treasure and advocating that we put him and State in charge of foreign policy as they'd involve the UN asap, never mind that the UN has been hijacked by a gang of thugs. The world is complicated, and made more so by our history in the Middle East, which hasn't always been lily-white. But we have to play the hand we're dealt, and appeasement won't work. By the way, McCaffrey, or whoever the general was, also said democracy would never take root in Iraq or anywhere else in the Middle East. Evidently he feels Muslims don't have enough brains to make it work. Funny, nobody called him a racist.
123 posted on 03/21/2004 7:18:35 AM PST by hershey
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To: sandbar
Bush said the other day that Spaniards had voted for appeasement because they hoped feeding the alligator meant that he'd eat them last. It didn't work in the 'thirties and won't work now. Alligators eat whatever's handy, and Spain has a large Muslim population. They're in for trouble.
124 posted on 03/21/2004 7:23:08 AM PST by hershey
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To: Burkeman1
Although the world's only superpower, we can't right all the world's wrongs in a matter of days or weeks or even years. But we are trying. Give Bush credit, he's freed Iraq from an unspeakable monster who slaughtered hundreds of thousands of his own citizens. Plus, Bush is doing his damndest to give her people a taste of democracy on their terms. Libya is coming around. If we mean what we say and do just that, no nuancing around, tyrants get the big picture. As for NAFTA, etc., outsourcing jobs, the banks and CFR decided to export American capitalism to the third world on the theory that a rising tide raises all boats. The third world would have the means to buy our products, etc.. Painful for us in the short run, alas. We have to invent something more substantive than cell phones.
125 posted on 03/21/2004 7:33:50 AM PST by hershey
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To: Redcoat LI
I like that, 'barbarian hordes', and that's exactly what we face. Unfortunately, if Bush says it, he'll be called a racist by our pals, the lib press.
126 posted on 03/21/2004 7:35:21 AM PST by hershey
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To: meenie
Spanish forces were symbolic, a show of solidarity. Their departure, the socialist victory, is a white flag in the fight against terror. It's appeasement writ large, and it's unspeakably sad. To think that Iraq, come June, won't need protection against terrorist elements, whether home grown or foreign, isn't sensible. US troops will be there for years.
127 posted on 03/21/2004 7:47:56 AM PST by hershey
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To: ModelBreaker
128 posted on 03/21/2004 7:49:10 AM PST by hershey
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To: Burkeman1
560 American soldiers have died in Iraq because we decided to fight terror where it's spawned, not in Chicago or Boston, NY, or L.A..
129 posted on 03/21/2004 7:52:38 AM PST by hershey
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To: maica
V.D. Hanson...I'd love to borrow his brain for a month. He's marvelous, articulate, cuts right to the bone, yet still remains a gentleman.
130 posted on 03/21/2004 8:00:11 AM PST by hershey
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To: swilhelm73
Outstanding post! Thank you.
131 posted on 03/21/2004 8:24:14 AM PST by RottiBiz
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To: Burkeman1
"The terrorism we experience is a direct result of our being there in the first place."

Oh please PLEASE PLEASE educate yourself. Please. Wahabbis have been dead set on destroying everything the 1700s. You thought Nazism was bad, just give THESE folks some power. Saudi Arabia wanted to protect itself from radical islam dating way back, so they (among other things) started pumping money into those madrasses. These radicals have hated everyone who weren't like them - including other muslims - for centuries.

In fact, various groups of Muslims have been going after Christians since 700 AD when they took Algiers.

These most recent attacks are a direct result of their historical hatred of us; they've been brainwashed into hating us by the madrasses funded by Saudi oil money. Giving in because we're afraid of pissing them off, as Spain did, is a deadly strategy. We tried the "nice" approach in the 1990s and we still got 911. They are invasive and viral, and throughout history, the only way to stop them has been to kill them. Unfortunately, the Spain socialist leader has done exactly the wrong thing, as have a lot of people in Spain who put him in power.

So please, you and your liberal friends, remove your nose from that foul smelling Chomsky book long enough to learn some objective truth, or you might be in for a real sore life someday.

132 posted on 03/21/2004 8:37:44 AM PST by paulsy
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To: maica
He wasn't even the senior speech writer, as I recall. Safire was.
133 posted on 03/21/2004 1:41:27 PM PST by Travis McGee (----- -----)
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To: hershey
I think you are right on the probability that troops will be there for years but the country should be a stand alone nation capable of defending itself and governing itself. What is wrong with the process when they cannot rely on their own protection and governance?

Something is very wrong when an occupying power is required to baby sit a government for years. It is also impossible from an economic and political standpoint to occupy every source of terrorism all over the world. We do not have the resources and population to make this a permanent solution to terrorism. Thought should be given to this reality and a solution found. We do not have to appease terrorism but we have to find more of a solution than we now see.

134 posted on 03/21/2004 2:02:50 PM PST by meenie
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To: meenie
"Something is very wrong when an occupying power is required to baby sit a government for years."

How old are you?
How much history have you read, if not lived?
Care to take a guess on how long we stuck around in Japan, Germany and South Korea? We are still hanging around the former Albania, arent we?

It takes as long as it takes.That's about the only "exit plan" option available to an occupying power.
So far, we have occupied Iraq for less than a year.Come back to me in three years, and a clearer picture may have emerged.
135 posted on 03/21/2004 2:53:38 PM PST by sarasmom ("I'm a redneck and Charles Bronson was a sissy".(Permission to use as tag granted by The Toll)
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To: sarasmom
I've lived history since the depression, WWII, Korea, etc. and rely on my experience in all. What history have you lived? Do you not realize that we are expending resources we do not have or hasn't it registered that a seven billion dollar debt will have to be paid or defaulted upon? Doesn't the Russian experience where the economy was unable to support the military and caused a crash of the economy and military bother you? Have you not read world history, even if you have not been engaged in world events in a participating way? Your comments do not show an understanding of the whole picture. Do you think that we can idefinitely afford 200 billion in occupation expenses in just one small country? Start using your head instead of parroting the latest propaganda.

We did not win WW II by concentrating our efforts on Bavaria. We had to establish priorities and spread our efforts on the whole Axis block. The war on terror is no different. While putting all our resources into Iraq, other parts of the terrorist world are neglected, including our own borders and South America. I appreciate your comments regarding my not having lived long enough to realize world problems in such an experienced manner as you. Your wisdom shines through in your reasoned comments(not)on the events that have molded your thoughts and judgement.

136 posted on 03/21/2004 6:26:53 PM PST by meenie
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To: meenie
If you are as old as you claim, it sounds like you have filtered events and history through a rather strange color of glass.
And you ignored my questions completely.
Which is it?
Marxist,Communist, Socialist or just old and set in your ways, against all proof and reason to the contrary?

137 posted on 03/21/2004 7:30:13 PM PST by sarasmom ("I'm a redneck and Charles Bronson was a sissy".(Permission to use as tag granted by The Toll)
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To: maica
Was he [Pat Buchanan] more than a speech writer [for Reagan]?

I think he was Nixon's speechwriter. I don't know what role he played in the Reagan administration.

Maybe one of the 'patbots' around here can tell us :)

138 posted on 03/21/2004 7:56:52 PM PST by ModelBreaker
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