Secrecy, pass-through, and lobbying guru for hundreds of left-wing groups and their funders
Drummond Pike: Tides Center President Salary $51,601, benefits $13,468 Tides Foundation President and Director Salary $51,750, benefits $8,658 Total salary $103,351, benefits $22,126 President and Director, Tsunami Fund, a lobbying service provider President, Highwater, Inc., private real estate company wholly owned by Tides Foundation Founder,, fundraising service provider Director, Environmental Working Group; Director and shareholder, Working Assets Funding Service (a private fundraising corporation) Solidago Foundation, former Director Drummond's background:
Co-founder and associate director, Youth Project, Washington, D.C. -
1976-1981: Executive Director, Shalan Foundation in San Francisco (money of Alan Davis; Chittenango Trust; Charitable Lead Trust)
Drummond's philanthropy:
Pike is founder and president of the Tides Foundation (1976) and Tides Center (1992).
The Tides Foundation is a pass-through for other foundations money. Tides Foundation is a public charity, not a private foundation. Tides Foundation passes other foundations' money to a spectrum of left-wing organizations which the original donors would not or could not support on their own. -
The Tides Center shelters a wide variety of leftist social change groups under its legal and tax-exempt status, providing management and payroll services, fundraising assistance, and legal counsel, while the groups themselves operate their own projects and programs. Because none of the more than 260 projects under the Tides umbrella files its own Form 990 with the IRS, their finances are totally secret and not available for public inspection, an issue that requires congressional remedy.
Drummond's connections:
- President and Director, Tsunami Fund, a 501(c)(4) lobbying organization funded by individuals and foundations to influence legislators in passing anti-capitalist laws.
- President,, created by Tides Foundation, a nonprofit focused on Internet fundraising (only for left-wing anti-capitalist groups).
- President, Highwater, Inc., a private corporation wholly owned by Tides Foundation. Highwater is a general partner in Thoreau Center Partners, LP, which leases office space to the Tides Center at $219,202 annually.
- Co-founder (with John Harrington), a director and shareholder of Working Assets, a left-wing telephone and credit card firm that sells its services to the Tides Center.
- Director, Environmental Working Group.
- Former director, Solidago Foundation, created by Pike to fund the Tides Foundation.
Drummond's message: I can hide any amount of money I want and you can't find it. RETURN TO PLAYERS TOP PAGE RETURN TO UNDUE INFLUENCE HOME PAGE |