To: henbane
From his photo, I would automatically assume the guy to be a con artist and major league a-hole. Check those beady little pig eyes.
To: ozzymandus
I want to correct my figures earlier on Big Ego.
He and his wife will earn $300,000
this year for the National show and another $300,000 in 2005. Plus another $200,000 in expenses over the two year contract. Thats $800,000 for Big Ego. That leaves
a million left for all the rest. Thats not much.
And his producer, "Tank" is paid by KFGO for his morning show and is expected to "suck it up" and do the entire afternoon show for peanuts. Tank is getting screwed bigtime and is over worked.
No producer and no radio talk show host can do TWO fulltime talk show hosts in a day. One, is local, 8-11 and the National is
2-5. THere will be severe burn out
doing this. And more"cool ones" and more food consumed and extra weight added.
Big EGO has a plan as he knows this cant be done long.
Could he be added to the NFL announcers this Summer( another $250,000) and when that happens he leaves his local
job and gets his station to carry his show.
44 posted on
03/03/2004 9:38:11 PM PST by
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