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To: Dane
You can't, because people don't care about CFR, and you know that truth, but yet you wish to ignore reality and criticize people who acknowledge that reality and put yourself on an empty throne called "the most principled of all".

If people don't care about CFR, why didn't Bush veto it? You told me just a week ago that there would've been a serious backlash had he vetoed the bill.

Can't have it both ways, Dane.

598 posted on 03/02/2004 1:23:09 PM PST by NittanyLion
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To: NittanyLion
If people don't care about CFR, why didn't Bush veto it? You told me just a week ago that there would've been a serious backlash had he vetoed the bill

Let me clarify. When you tell your average Joe that CFR is an assault on the 1st amendment, they will look at you and say, I don't buy political ads, doesn't matter to me(money out of politics, yada, yada, yada).

Now if Bush had vetoed it, opponents could say, he is helping big money interests, yada, yada, yada.

What I was saying and you misunderstood apparently is that to the average Joe, CFR was not an assault on the 1st amendment and would dismiss this as threat to the constitution or their daily lives.

609 posted on 03/02/2004 1:33:46 PM PST by Dane
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