I love the way creationists like to portray everyone else as aggressive as well as defensive while creationist are poor victims with an innocent alternative view that is just as valid as evolution.
Jeez... not a whole lot I can say about this. However, I fully believe that the end-game is to replace evolution with creationism. And you know, that's pretty selfish since many Christian sects accept evolution fully as God's design. But unfortunately there are those that think they alone have been Divinely inspired and are on a mission to rid the world of the blasphemous evolution.
The Grand Canyon is 6000 years old. Gimme a break.
Check my profile page by clicking on bondserv. Then do some personal research for yourself. The Grand Canyon has been baffling what you would call legitimate scientists for many years.
See that's your problem, Gman.
The Grand Canyon could have been formed in a nano second by the hand of God. You continue to leave the Creator out of His creation.