An important point that speaks to the deception of the Clintons (that Christ warned about). Of course, many voters had the Clintons tagged from the getgo when they lied and lied on 60 Minutes. Then all of America found out the calculated deception of the Clintons while they were in office.
The Clintons calculatedly "ran" as centrists knowing they'd "act" as a liberal. Clinton knew from Mondale and Dukakis that liberals could not win and he teamed up with the Democratic Policy Council to gull voters into thinking he was not a liberal. He even dissed Sister Souljah to fool the electorate into thinking he was not beholden to minorities.....this came from what was later termed the Nation's First Black president.
Clinton also manipulated the religious vote by visibly going to church on Sundays toting a Bible....which must have killed him and the choice-salivating Hitlery.
As with all politicians, voters should look at what they do while in office and not at what they appear to be.