To: Wolfstar
WOW! Feel better? I do and may I second your sentiments?
I did not see John F*ing Kerry throwing out a baseball after 9/11, nor did I see him at Ground Zero with that fireman letting the world know we will no longer treat terrorism with the seriousnesses of someone shoplifting a candy bar. The man I saw, respect and admire for true courage during one of the blackest periods of American history is the Commander and Chief, George Bush. I want him to stay at this helm and continue to guide us.
To: BlessedByLiberty
Feel better?
Grin actually, I'll only feel better once Dubya is safely re-elected. Until then, I'm on the warpath and don't intend to pull any punches.
133 posted on
02/10/2004 4:01:21 PM PST by
(George W. Bush — the 1st truly great world leader of the 21st Century)
To: BlessedByLiberty
That picture of Dubya at Yankee Stadium is right here on my desk!!!!
I'll cherish it forever.....and that pic of him in his flight suit too!!!
140 posted on
02/10/2004 4:09:08 PM PST by
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