Did you see O'Reilly skewer Rapkin last night? Some female defense attorney . . . bleeding-hearter to the bone . . . tried taking up for Rapkin and Wild Bill pounced. I don't watch him much anymore because rabid animals don't float my boat anymore, LOL, but I really enjoyed him blasting Rapkin.
I'm gonna try doing some research on some "high-profile" cases just to see what I come up with. I'd be willing to bet that when I compile an extensive data base we'll see as many "repeat" offending judges as we do criminals who get slaps on the hand.
Liberals, for the most part, are just like child molestors . . . they don't change their spots. But we can at least let the jackasses know we're watching over their shoulders.
Well good afternoon Gentlemen.
I once wrote that liberal judges were like employment agencies with the power to create on the spot jobs.
Just imagine how many people work in the legal industry and double it. From law schools to the court houses to prisons with medical and psychiatric profile personal also working this tax funded global legal business food chain.
How many lawyers does a slow economy produce?
The number of lawyers in the USA exceeded 1 million for the first time in 2003.
The two-year record of 300,020 of 1990-91 stands an equally good chance of falling in 2002-03. The question is, will the additional lawyers find work?
''This is going to be a record year for law firms,'' says Brad Hildebrandt, chairman of Hildebrandt International, which provides management consulting services.
Anyway you get the picture. The judges are the KEY to this mess. If the judges don't let the bad guy out the lawyers don't work.
Peter Jennings reported on the Carlie Brucia story and said that more kids die per year from cars accidents and drowning than from kidnapping and gave numbers as if Carlie and the world is nothing more than Cold Statistical Survival Scorecard.
So lets assume that Cold Statistical Survival is part of the game to achieve employment and judges know that laws must be broken and some of us may die for their cause.
The Carlie Brucia story is a tragedy but I feel it fading away, slowly fading away just like all of the others in the past.