Agreed. What's discouraging for a long-long-long-time conservative is that we've been in the "minority" for most of my voting life. Now that we're not, now that even the grassroots see that conservatism is our only hope . . . the tree-huggers, the "progressives" still hold the microphone. They still control the debate in this country. And, don't kid yourself, they still control the judiciary.
What's frightening to me is this . . . What does it mean to be a PROGRESSIVE? The name implies that the "status quo" will never be a constant . . . like between good and bad, or good and evil . . . and will be forever changing to meet an ever-liberal impulse that drives the rest of the world. Gays will marry gays today. Tomorrow? Adults to marry children? Humans to marry . . . you get the point.
There is never black and white to a PROGRESSIVE. There is never any accountability -- some defense lawyer will explain away Smith's murdering dear Carlie because of a tumble he took on his head when he was a child . . . or because his mother whipped him . . . or because his father drank on Fridays and Saturdays . . . or because he ate two Twinkies the night before Carlie's death.
Progressives and our legal system and all the other elitist organizations and pinheads can never admit most murderers are just evil because they're evil -- that would impugn their naive and dangerous notion that group-hugs cure everything. They believe they're so much more intelligent than us mere mortals that the only reason evil acts are perpetuated in and on society is because that same society hasn't been feeding at their liberal trough, therefore society is to be blamed and deserves every evil act.
It almost makes this long-time conservative wanna just throw up my hands and say . . . "Eff" it!
We won't stop being slaves to the Progressive Agenda until we yank the microphones from their hands. Until we demand the TRUTH from all media organizations. Until we demand that jackasses like Peter Jennings should go back to Canada. Until we demand that laws are laws and law-breakers must be dealt with by Justice's Heavy Hand and the reasons why the evil is perpetuated on society is secondary to the safety of that society.
If the Progressives want to waste their time and money figuring out why jackasses like Smith do what they do . . . fine by me. Slice him and dice him all they want, have shrink after shrink analyze his pea-brain, hug him all they want . . . but do it on Death Row before Florida fries his ass. Maybe their analysis can help stop the next Smith from becoming Smith . . . but I don't particularly care why this one did what he did.
Society's predators can not be allowed to terrorize society again and again and again and again and again and . . .