No there's not (unless you feel like naming them).
First, there haven't been too many players drafted out of high school into the NBA. Second, they presumably still need time to develop after being drafted which many of them do on an NBA bench instead of starting for a NCAA team. Third, drafting by a pro sports team is more of an art than a science -- with many players in all sports being draft busts regardless of whether they played only high school or completed all 4 years of college.
And every one of those players would've been even better if they had gone to school first.
And done what? Risked injury & their careers? Granted, I agree with the general premise that young players should stay in school for at least some time to gain experience.
But, if they actually are qualified - like everyone on my list is/was - why the heck would you stay in college when you could be making millions in the NBA??
I know I certainly wouldn't pass up that opportunity.