Here is an excellent analysis by Lando Lincoln:
"I said it was simple, not short. But, I believe history will tell us that the leadership from this administration has been remarkable in the face of incredible pressures. This president has the press/media always looking for weakness, the left and democrats are constantly undermining his efforts, many of our so-called allies abandoned the U.S. at a critical time of need, and, the UN was worse than worthless. At a time when the economy was reeling from a cyclic recession coupled with the costs of September 11. Yet, through it all, we have removed a despot, planted the seeds for democracy in the swamp of the Middle East, and the economy is on the upswing.
And I think this gets overlooked sometimes this President and his advisors understand POLITICS. Tim Russert said last nite on the Dennis Miller Show that demographics have changed considerably since the 2000 election. More elderly, more minorities, more urban voters, etc. Russert said that if the 2000 vote were held with todays demographics, GWB would lose the popular vote by over 3 MILLION votes!!! That struck me. It is easy to carp from the relative security of the sidelines over GWBs proposed immigration plan, or his changes to the prescription drug plan, or his proposed social security changes, or even the Patriot Act. But this President knows that to see his WOT through his potential 8 years in office, he must appeal to those margin groups that the democrats have so successfully exploited since at least FDR. To do otherwise is to surrender the 2004 election at great peril for our nation. I believe, with all my heart that our President understands this intuitively, instinctively and intellectually. I cant imagine a Hillary or a Gore or a Kerry or a Dean or an Edwards in charge over our very survival.
So I ask, what is the real cost of GWBs proposed spending?
My new best FReeper FRiend has it right (apologies to all my other best FReeper Friends). This is the most important election cycle since 1940. I will vote for GWB and the republican ticket. If I were to do otherwise, I would be denying my young sons what I believe is the best shot at a secure future."