Ooooh, nooooo! I've been laughing for better than 5 minutes over this. Tears, stomach ache, can't breathe, and now headache. lollollollollol....
Hmph. Glad you thought it was funny. Sorry you got a headache. It's not entirely my fault though... you know who, looking down at us from all the way up there, should share some of the blame. See, it's already causing trouble down here. God I just want to take a bat and smash its teeth in... if it has teeth. I bet it purposely does not have teeth just to infuriate me even more. ARGH!
Ooooh, nooooo! I've been laughing for better than 5 minutes over this. Tears, stomach ache, can't breathe, and now headache. lollollollollol...
Me, too. My eyes, my throat... It hurts. LOL