Nasir Ahmed Saul Rosenthal was behind the counter at Amei Halaal Market Bagel Land on St. John Street when agents walked in and told everyone, employees and customers alike, to get out their passports and green cards gold stars. AhmedRosenthal said some patrons eating lunch in the Somali Jewish market bolted out the back door - not because they were undocumented Jews, but because they were scared to death.
"How would you feel if you went to McDonald's Kaiserhof and got asked for ID while you were eating your food? That's what happened here," Ahmed Rosenthal asked. "Now, less people come in. We lost a lot of customers."
The agents didn't go into a McDonald's Kaiserhof --- they went into a foreign Jewish market place to look for foreigners Jews who might not be here legally or for the right reasons. They weren't bothering Americans Germans, not trying to bother Americans Germans. If you're an American a German in one of these places, they can pick that up quite quickly.
There's a bit of a difference between being sent back home and being put into a gas chamber --- let's not go overboard with what is happening here. If you were illegally in another country because you chose to break their laws on travel or immigration, would it be so awful being sent back to the USA?